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    April 5, 2020
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A Nuffield U Health PROMOTION Worried sick: Improving Health and Wellbeing in the South West. How employers can spport staff with coronavirus ariety aglobal ciery we ae atwer and advice le comtantly Iacing anunprecedemted changing an the saaton evolves. However, sharing ionale connection so their colleagun Reote workerscan face time of change and cerainty As nere cae epon how emplopeescan protec ketineandisolation. Rik ans ychlogkalhanas linkedto of the coronavirun cotinrto be themseteswilletp rationalise the foe thene and consider inceraned anned we cen pectoee mployees eperiemcing ansiery around the potential impact of the r. Make sutee company heath connectivity throgh vinal water protocols are clearand acceible. coien, foreample, am can This means keeping sta informed keep la touch. As the UKs leading not-for profit healthcare organisation, our team of experts are working together to help people in the South West live fitter, healthier and happier lives. The fear of becoming ill-nd nthe steps yo're akingan the social andeconomie impact that companyaell gving advice Shate ihe latest updan and heekh gideles the virus keep emgloyees in the loop. however. be careful about how virus com thi emplyee heah Amallamotof sesind for utriggersaght oigh warvival responne ihat helps nact USE REASSURING LANGUAGE Beaware of bow your language can impact people's perceptions of the situation. According te The fournal of Positive Pychology, diagnostie erms should be vaided when kcomes to diseuing health -cantake its toll on Orthopaedies Gynaecology elen y're sharinginrmation. puikly under pesu. Inthis ca Key dally opdates are e but employees shde erwhelmed with spdates * Cardiology Private GPservice Laser Eye & Cataract surgery *Neurology Rheumanology Robotic surgery Itmeans we're more laely no act concerns. For eample. using a temlike vietins reinteres negaive on heahand hgleme warning Urology eeaying inthis maiple timea den heightened stater of se lng-can hae agathe impacton REMOTE CONTROL our physical and eeotalwelbeing and potentially leadto ansiety Ansiety can be j ontagion commute, or evm in the office avirus. We ace social animals Where posibe, make eesenable connotations and can muke Physiotherapy CT anning enployees feel more stred. Siko the facts nd avoid they lencounter the vinntheir iafammatory langpge. e Varicose veins surgery Hernia repair Empleyres may bewried that Radiology including MRI * Dermatology Endoscopy Conetic ugery phrases like atfbring treated fo 'intent which havea more ENT pontive focus on recovery. mmodating remote wrking Fomaservival pofvie if and pettingnerenarytrevel member of or gpoios danger, the t willume i soo which belps everyone stay vigilant become esentialirknown cases are reaches is peak In addion and sale. Buhe cononeires ADOITIONAL SUPPORT mhld partcularly if the a known cases in your area. Thi wl wymgooms of aniety as the vir Many employees ma eperience ncedin your compans belng anspar about company policies, it'simporta outhoeak has sparkedesceie Succetulomote working pank and scarmongreing, which reguires planning to vad farther e peovide employees with coping has become a problem ie liselt d. Yimay need o uppo Sa whar varps can employers mployees in weing upautable akr ta belp relieve vymptoma af home working environmemt, for For more information visit mechanims Staff who continue o show signs of distress should be guided wands further emotienal Healihtevestar eamgle, pridine acompany lapnop so vileve financial woles andengonomi furniureallo coronaviren anaietyt WINNER upporn. ay be that ansiety THE FIRST UNE OF DEFENCE around coronavirsianotionable The lack of any precedent kot dealing themwork coelataly from wahagubal pandenie means there home. canbeuncerait andansiety ofm stems from the unknown ouT OF SIGHT, signof preexisting or wider metional strules. la thee cas highlightiing workplace oflerings like employee istance progremne EAP which ofler direct, confidential contact with counsellors and Analn employres may erprstedly NOT OUT OF MIND ask thees wa and foces on problems befe they'e and nce of stulf who ae happened. There may not be clear selfisolating o maiina sese of menial healthegerts. Iimportane the wlheing To find out moe Muteld ealth Pymoh enp 01752 78088 Nels Heath Pymouth FeWeing ym 01752 265355 Nueld He e Devone HeahRts Cu 01752 237000 Exeter 01302 22110 . Plymouth 0175a Teces Eter Hogital 01392 262110 A Nuffield U Health PROMOTION Worried sick: Improving Health and Wellbeing in the South West. How employers can spport staff with coronavirus ariety aglobal ciery we ae atwer and advice le comtantly Iacing anunprecedemted changing an the saaton evolves. However, sharing ionale connection so their colleagun Reote workerscan face time of change and cerainty As nere cae epon how emplopeescan protec ketineandisolation. Rik ans ychlogkalhanas linkedto of the coronavirun cotinrto be themseteswilletp rationalise the foe thene and consider inceraned anned we cen pectoee mployees eperiemcing ansiery around the potential impact of the r. Make sutee company heath connectivity throgh vinal water protocols are clearand acceible. coien, foreample, am can This means keeping sta informed keep la touch. As the UKs leading not-for profit healthcare organisation, our team of experts are working together to help people in the South West live fitter, healthier and happier lives. The fear of becoming ill-nd nthe steps yo're akingan the social andeconomie impact that companyaell gving advice Shate ihe latest updan and heekh gideles the virus keep emgloyees in the loop. however. be careful about how virus com thi emplyee heah Amallamotof sesind for utriggersaght oigh warvival responne ihat helps nact USE REASSURING LANGUAGE Beaware of bow your language can impact people's perceptions of the situation. According te The fournal of Positive Pychology, diagnostie erms should be vaided when kcomes to diseuing health -cantake its toll on Orthopaedies Gynaecology elen y're sharinginrmation. puikly under pesu. Inthis ca Key dally opdates are e but employees shde erwhelmed with spdates * Cardiology Private GPservice Laser Eye & Cataract surgery *Neurology Rheumanology Robotic surgery Itmeans we're more laely no act concerns. For eample. using a temlike vietins reinteres negaive on heahand hgleme warning Urology eeaying inthis maiple timea den heightened stater of se lng-can hae agathe impacton REMOTE CONTROL our physical and eeotalwelbeing and potentially leadto ansiety Ansiety can be j ontagion commute, or evm in the office avirus. We ace social animals Where posibe, make eesenable connotations and can muke Physiotherapy CT anning enployees feel more stred. Siko the facts nd avoid they lencounter the vinntheir iafammatory langpge. e Varicose veins surgery Hernia repair Empleyres may bewried that Radiology including MRI * Dermatology Endoscopy Conetic ugery phrases like atfbring treated fo 'intent which havea more ENT pontive focus on recovery. mmodating remote wrking Fomaservival pofvie if and pettingnerenarytrevel member of or gpoios danger, the t willume i soo which belps everyone stay vigilant become esentialirknown cases are reaches is peak In addion and sale. Buhe cononeires ADOITIONAL SUPPORT mhld partcularly if the a known cases in your area. Thi wl wymgooms of aniety as the vir Many employees ma eperience ncedin your compans belng anspar about company policies, it'simporta outhoeak has sparkedesceie Succetulomote working pank and scarmongreing, which reguires planning to vad farther e peovide employees with coping has become a problem ie liselt d. Yimay need o uppo Sa whar varps can employers mployees in weing upautable akr ta belp relieve vymptoma af home working environmemt, for For more information visit mechanims Staff who continue o show signs of distress should be guided wands further emotienal Healihtevestar eamgle, pridine acompany lapnop so vileve financial woles andengonomi furniureallo coronaviren anaietyt WINNER upporn. ay be that ansiety THE FIRST UNE OF DEFENCE around coronavirsianotionable The lack of any precedent kot dealing themwork coelataly from wahagubal pandenie means there home. canbeuncerait andansiety ofm stems from the unknown ouT OF SIGHT, signof preexisting or wider metional strules. la thee cas highlightiing workplace oflerings like employee istance progremne EAP which ofler direct, confidential contact with counsellors and Analn employres may erprstedly NOT OUT OF MIND ask thees wa and foces on problems befe they'e and nce of stulf who ae happened. There may not be clear selfisolating o maiina sese of menial healthegerts. Iimportane the wlheing To find out moe Muteld ealth Pymoh enp 01752 78088 Nels Heath Pymouth FeWeing ym 01752 265355 Nueld He e Devone HeahRts Cu 01752 237000 Exeter 01302 22110 . Plymouth 0175a Teces Eter Hogital 01392 262110